Popular Malayalam actress Prithviraj, the most eligible bachelor in South Indian film industry, entered wedding life after reportedly secretly tied the knot with his girl friend Supriya Menon, a reporter with a news channel.
A section of media went gaga with reports that the wedding was held on Monday at Palakkad and was attended by close family members. The couple had met while Supriya was covering southern cinema.
Prithvirtaj is a name to reckon with in Tamil and Malayalam cinema. At a time when biggies like Mammootty and Mohanlal were dominating Malayalam cinema, Prithviraj managed to make a name for himself. Also in Tamil he has a successful career. Prithvi has several hits under his belt including Saththam Podathae, Mozhi and the recently-released Raavanan.
Sources further add that Prithviraj, who was rumoured with few heroines, is planning a grand reception on 1 May.